Annual CVR Test

Why you need a CVRT

The Commercial Vehicle Roadworthiness Test (CVRT) is a roadworthiness test for all commercial vehicles, buses with more than eight passenger seats and ambulances, all over one-year-old. The purpose of the test is to ensure that the vehicle is in good condition throughout its entire life.

There are three main reasons your Commercial vehicle needs an annual CVR Test

1. You can't get your vehicle taxed without it.

Only when you pass your CVR test, will you get your Certificate of Road Worthiness (CRW). You must have a valid CRW in order to get your vehicle motor taxed.

2. It makes more roadworthy vehicles.

The CVR test makes sure that every year, all goods vehicles on the road have been thoroughly and fairly tested. The test catches vehicle failure points and re-tests vehicles on those points, so they return to the road as safer and more roadworthy vehicles.

Yearly tests and well-maintained vehicles mean fewer breakdowns. The CVRT programme improves the overall efficiency of goods vehicle testing.

3. It's the law.

The legislation states that all commercial vehicles must be tested when they are over one year old and annually after that. So having your vehicle tested means avoidance of penalty points and fines.

Certificate of Road Worthiness (CRW) Costs

The CRW cost is included in the new fees and the CRW certificate and detachable disc will be automatically mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle.

Class of VehicleFull Test Fee (Incl. CRW)Re-Test Fee
Vehicles having a gross weight not exceeding 3,500 kgs€111.00€43.00

Contact Cavanaghs of Fermoy to book your CVR Test, or book online.

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